Page 141 - chs-1992
P. 141
Doing their own thing!!
The Tigerettes, ranked second in games. The team's popularity has
the state, have been dancing their grown over the years. T~e accumu-
way into the hearts of the Colum- lation of many distinguished
bia fans. This awards through
great team of team work and
beautiful young dedication
ladies was start- shows their ap-
ed 7 years ago preciation to
by Rita Strattan, Mrs. Strattan.
who saw a need This year the
for girls to have Tigerettes are
an activity in definitely doing
addition to their own thing;
cheerleading, By striving for
which would #1 in the state.
Tigerette announcer, Shawyn Lock-
show school ley. Their goal is to
spirit and pro- work as a team
vide entertainment for football and do away with individuality.
They're definitely bound for great-
Well, well, well, if it isn't the 3 c's of ness!
Tigerettes together again. Beth Ber-
gen, Amy Dekle, and Barbara Berry.
Amy Dekle and Aleda Chassreau are two of the officers of this varsity team.
Hey juniors, why are you running? It's only a pep rally Darby, Rikki, Rebecca and Vanessa show their Tigerette spirit during a pep rally.