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                                                                                       Fa-miLy Ties
           Ale cia,
                 Well,  sweetheart,  you're  all
           grown  up  and  a  new  chapter  of                                         Fa-miLy  ties preciou.s  lhi.n.qs
           your  life  is  beginning  as  one  is                                      Woven.  tl'lroLUJh· tl1.e  yea-rs
           coming  to  a  close.  Since  you  were  a                                  OJ  memories oJ  t01;~etherness ...
            tiny  girl,  you  have  filled  our  lives
                                                                                       OJ  CaLUJh.ter, love a.nd. tea-rs.
           with  love  and  laughter.   Always
           remember  that  whatever  direction
                                                                                       Fa-miLy cherished lhi.ngs
           your  life  takes,  we  will  always
            love  and  support  you.  Your  ability                                    For9ed i.n chi.U£hood. d.a.ys
            to  be  a  real  friend,  your  sense  of                                  :By  love o J pa-rents, deep a.nd. tru.e,
            loyalty,  and  your  sense  of  humor                                      And. sweet Ja.mi.(wr wa.ys.
            are  attributes  that  will  carry  you
            far  in  life.   Just  remember  that      .Se,nior                        Fa.miiy tl'li.n9s,
            you  are  important  and  that  you
            can  achieve  your  goals  if  you                                         And. Ja.r  thou4:1h  we ma.y  roa.m,
            believe  in  yourself  and  persevere.                                     The tend.e.r  bond.s those we Love
                 Congratulations,  we  love  you                                       .StiLL  pull ou.r f'lea.rts  towa-rd. home.
            and  are  very  proud  of  you!
            Mom,  Dad,  Robby,  Merna  (&  Pop)

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