Page 134 - chs-1993
P. 134
Sports and Academics are Freshmen
1. Krioty FrH lo &flln& chobd by uu111 CoUlno ao Resina livau ocruma
out loud, but look at t.ura Mc:Cirllan puttln& on h~r mau. up.
2. Daryl Johnaon and O.Jrna Oicka &IV~ Ul a ~~at bl& f~hmon omlle.
3. FootbaU play~111 J<»h SlMiy and Chris Jonn lhlny th~lr 10 coo~
Teresa Mills
Timothy Mimbs
]illnet Mincey
Sonia Mincey
Rose Minnich
April Miz.zoni
Connie Moore
Chris Morgan
jason Morgan
Abby Morse
l~nard Morse
Shana Moseby
uuren Moses
Mary Muller
ufuious Mullins
Daniel Murray
Josh ave
Curtis eal
Jon eal
jennifer elson
John elson
Stacey ettles
Tracey ~ttles
Danielle ewbern
Bishop orman
Daniel orman
Destiny ull
B«ky Odom
Karen Odom
joel Ogburn
Kenisha Oliver
Sarina Olsen
Chris Ontiveras
Michael Orvin
Ashlee Owens
Terry Owens
Shannon Pace
Doug Puker
Wes Puker
Amanda Parrish
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