Page 216 - chs-1993
P. 216
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11 ·17-92 Duchllolz Uomc 6:00 (IV) 7:JO(VR)
11-J0-92 Tcny Home 6:00(JV) 8:00 (VR)
12~·92 Home 6:1l(JV) 8:00 (VR)
12-8-92 Hamil lOft llome 6:00(JV) 7:30(VR)
12-IG-92 ..Boka County Away 7:00(VR)
12-14.1} Budlholr. T ounwncnt TBA
12-17 LiY<Oak Away S:OO(VR)
l·l-93 llamil<on Away 6:00(N) 8:00(VR)
1-7-93 Duchholr. Away 6:00(JV) 7:30(VR)
1-8-93 o...naePat~t Home 6:00(JV) 7:J0(VR)
1-18-93 llakaCounly Home: 7:00(VR)
1-22-93 Gaincsvolle Away l :lO(lV) 7:00(VR)
1-26-93 UvcO.k Home S:OO(VR)
1-29-93 IUoncs Away 6:1l(JV) 8:00(VR)
2-l-93 TcnyParitcr Away 6:00(JV) 8:00(VR)
2-8-93 Orn>~:CParit Away 6:00(JV) S:OO(VR)
2-12-93 Gainesville llome 6:00(JV) 7:30(VR)
Kelli Sund drives to the basket against Suwannee.
The Girl's Varsity Basketball team is one of change. The CHS
girls are playing tougher schedules and are challenging more
experienced teams. The girls have had their ups and downs
throughout the season but they stuck together during the most
important times. One of the times they pulled together was to take
away the District Championship title. The future for the team is
very positive. Many thanks are owed to Deborah Hill, head coach
and Lorenzo Jones, assistant coach.
Up, up, and away! Angelina Strawder sails a beauty of
a shot into the waiting basket.
Shannon Hill tips the ball for a crucial 2 points. Tanya Parker sparks a shot from the free-throw line.
204 Girl's Varsity Basketball