Page 225 - chs-1993
P. 225
Front Row: Cabe Guzman, Photographer; Johnny C~taffo, Librari~n; Back Row: Jennifer Tucker, Ashley Delaney's smile shows that chorus Is not all hard work but also a
Secretary; Ashely Del~ncy, Treasurer; Jimmy Ke~ton, President; Aubrey Ciebeig. Public Relations; lot of fun.
Viconza Jerry, Sgt. at Arms, not pictured Urian Dicks, Vice President.
Columbia High School has always had
a choral program to be proud of. The
chorus works hard each year for
performances at the pep rallies, local
churchs, the Olustee Festival, the Spring
and Christmas Concerts with the other
area chorus.
In the spring the chorus travel to
different high schools in North Florida
for the Florida District Festival where
they have the chance to show off their
talents and musicianship in sight reading
and singing. If they are rated an overall
superior they can go on to the state
festival were they are judged once again
along with enjoying other superior chorus
from around the state.
For a fund raiser the chorus put on the
First Annual Madrical Dinner in which
the different groups perfromed songs
while dressed in costumes from the from
the Renaissance Period. The Choral
Boosters helped by providing the
spaghetti dinners that was served.
Each year students have the chance to
join the All State Chorus. The students
traveled to Middleburg High School for
the audition. They are tested on their
musicianship by singing in an octet group
from which they arc judged. Courtney
Bellotte was choosen to be one of the 300
members travel to Tampa in January to
perform a concert for the Florida Music
Education Convention. This is a very
prestigious honor for those students who
wish continue their education in the
musical field.
CJuisUe Slmmons,]ennifer Tucker, Courtney Bcllotte, Tim Hudson, and Donnie Gilliam practice singing
the senior class song.