Page 363 - chs-1993
P. 363
.BrancU, L. Waters
Through good tLmes and bact tLmes, happy
tLmes and sad tLmes we have made Lt so Jar.
The road Ls (ong and tough, but we wU(
a(ways have each other for [ave and support.
Than~ you for beLng there when we needed
you. nay aoct wa(~ wLth you a(ways.
Love a(ways, nom and Dad
Toqethe.r is my fcworite word.. l.Vfwn you. fw(d,
my hand., and. when we taCk, for hours, l, know you.
wifL ~tnnd, ...
T ~ is rememberinq a. speciaL time or p(ace,
a.nd. fee!inq the. a.ssu.rsa.nce of a. tencCe.r, wa.rm
ern&mce. ...
Toqet:IWr is the certatnty, a!onq Life's rock-y
wa.y. your comfort a.nd. compa-nionship wut be
there day by day ...
T oqether is the si.Cence that l, share wi-th one true
fri.end., when the circLe of ou.r thouqhts ha.s no
beqinninq and. no end.
l, used. to think- "toqe.thu" wa.s a. pCace l, wou!d.
never be ... UntiL l, found. rea£ flappiness with you. so
l, wm aLwa-ys Love you.,
nichaeL Jon J'tc'tnally,Jr.