Page 457 - chs-1993
P. 457

In memory of

                                                 9-21-77                  1-11-93

                                           Spirituaf 'Up[ift  ·· %at was  tfie  name of a group  witfi wfiom  fie  sang.  Sucfi
                                           a fitting name for tfie group . . . 6ecause  tfiat wfiat Maurice  was a6out.  Jlis
                                           was a smile tfiat  couU£ {ift  tfie  fowest  of spirits.  Jlis was a peacefu[ e;rjstence
                                           tfiat f osteretf serenity witfiin tfiose arouru£ fiim.  Jlis  was a ufe of purpose ...
                                           of focus,  radiating warmtfi,  cfia~ aru£ amity towan{ a{{ wfio K._new  fiim.

                                           :He  was ours for a fitt{e  wfiife.  f){pw  fie  6efongs  to  tfie  ages  . . . removetf from
                                           tfiis pface to  a rea{m  of etemaf peace,  perpetua{ spirituaf up{ift  ... Joining
                                           tfiose  otfier rrwers,  fie{ping  to  mal(? Jleaven a 6rigfiter pface.

              ~n we remem6er our friuufs  wfio are not fiere  to graduate witfi us, we are stu£ aru£ our fiearts  are
             e1!f.Pty.  'We will never forget ...

                        1(f.nny Cfemmons       'Benji (jriffin     Corr,y 'Iapp
                                                Pliillip Ja&06s

                  51  specia{ frientf of Co{um6ia  X11Jii  Sclioo{,  Carrie  ;Inn  Crttt~Mr  '92,  tlid in  4  tta,gl&  a.uto
             accuunt sfiort{y after scfioo{ 6egan.  :Jler smifes aru£ {aug  r are still in our Mll1'tS

                                                                                              Memoriill Pqe
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