Page 14 - chs-1994
P. 14

Justin  B. Allen

                                           The  class  of ninety-four has  overcome
                                    many  obstacles  on  the  way  to  the  top.
                                    Always seeming to  fall  either one  year  too
                                    early  or  one  year  too  late,  we  have  never

                                    given  up.  Even  when  it seemed  like  nobody
                                    was  listening,  we  still  lifted  our voices  so
                                    everyone would have  to  hear what we were
                                    saying.  Through  all  the  struggles  and
          Scott A. Almeida          hardships, we grew stronger.

                                          Now  the  year  is  1994.  We  will  soon
                                    graduate,  but we will leave  with  a  common
                                    bond  that  we  will  share  for  a  lifetime-
                                    Columbia  High  School.  The  members  of the
                                    class of '94 will go  their separate ways but in
                                    truth we will always be  together, even if only
                                    in our memories.

                                           Some will succeed, some will fail but in
                                    truth,  all  of the  class  of '94  will win for  at
                                    least one  day.  To  accomplish  what we will
        Michael  L. Anderson
                                    have accon1plished is a testimony unto itself.

                                    To  graduate  in  an  era  that often  encourages
                                    the  easy  way  instead  of the  right way is  a
                                    possession  that will remain  with  the  owner
                                    throughout his life.
                                          When the first reunion is planned and the
                                    invitations are  sent,  even if all the members

                                    are  not present,  they will  be  there  in  spirit
                                    and in  memory  because  in  another  time  we
                                    were  here  together.  The  class  of '94  will  be
                                    here today and forever more.
          Stacey Anderson                                                                       Tamara  J.  Anderson
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