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Kelly Ryan                  Tomec.ia Charvanese Simpkins   Sharon M. Standlick       Midtael John Thompson
       Kel                         Mecia                       Share bear                   Speed-racer
       4-26-76                     3-22-76                     9-~75                        10.3-74
       Inside  He1H1en's  Gates-Mad  at  the   Understanding   Cheerleader 9; Student Council 9,12   Wild  Horses  -Garth  Brooks
       World                       "Yeah,  right."                                          "Get a life!  Dude!"
       Honor Society 11,12; Beta Oub 12; Dual   Chorus 10,11, Vocal Ensemble  Women's   Jolene Stich en
       Enrollment 12; Art Oub 12   Chorus 12, FBLA 11   '      2-17-76                      Rodney Thompson
                                                               I'll  Always  Love  You  -Whitney   RodMan
                                   Thomas W. Skinner           Houstoo
     ll~'j  ToddJac.kson Sandlin                                                            9-13-76
     [II  T-Love                   Mr.                         "Never give  up, if you can dream it, it   I  Could  HaTJI!  Lied
       5-18-76                     9-7-75                      can be done."                ''Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
     ll  Football 9,10,11,12; Art Oub 9; Student   "What's up man?"                         Art Oub 11,12
       Council  9;  French  Club  12;  Mr.  CHS   FineArts0ub9, 10;0CT11, 12   Shelia T. Steward
       Contestant 12                                           Suaver.
                                   Amy Teresa Slanker          1-3-77
     I                                                                                      Tammy Amanda Thompson
     I!                            Miss Crazy                                               Mandy
       Amanda Lee Sapp                                         Outst4nding - Escape         ~10.76
       Mandy                       1-13-76                     "You go girl!"               The  Dance- Garth  Brooks
       12-28-76                    Don't  get  caught  slipping  - Condition   Tigerettes 10; FBLA  10; FBLA  12; FEA   "Ohmy"
       Hero                        Red                         12; Student Council Repre!'entative 12   OCT 12; CECF Fundraising  Chairman
       Stude11t Counc:il10,11; OCT 12   "I doubt it!"
                                   Volleyball  10;  C]SA  11;  Advanced   Angelina Strawder   12;  Art Oub 10,11,12; Student Council
                                   World  History  Club  9;  Foreign                        9,10,11
       Jonathan Sawyer                                         Red
     Ill  Sawyer                   Language Oub 9;  Fine  Arts  Club  9·   9-22-76          T.J. Thompson
       5-12-76                     Journalism 10,11,12      '   Gangsta  Lean               Him
       Alive -Pearl Jam                                        "What goes around comes around."   8-28-76
       "OhhKay"                    Cheryl Smith                Basketball  9,10,11,12;  Softball  9,10,11
                                   T.carlous (Tee)                                          Cryin -Aerosmith
       Soccer  9,10,11;  Journalism  12;                                                    "This is stupid!"
       Newspaper Staff 11;  French  Oub  9,10;   8-16-75       James Wesley Streer          ]ROTC 10,11,12; Drill Team 11,12
       Dual  Enrollment  12;  Enrichment  9;   Come Inside- Intro   Jimmy
                                   "Brick  wall"
       Chess Oub 9; Golf Oub  9;  Advanced                     12-21-75                     Timothy Lewis Thrift       ~
       World History Oub 9; Student Council   Chorus 10,11, Vocal Technique  12· Band   Take  it  Easy - Eagles   Tun
       Historian 9,  Representative  10                        Weightlifting 9;  Soccer 10;  OCT  11,12·   9-13-76
                                                               CECF12                   '
                                   Michael Patrick Smith                                    I'll  Give  All  My  l..oTJI!  To  You  • Keith
       Jacqueline Delane Scott                                                              Sweat
       Jackie                      MikeP                       William Summers              "Ufe goes on!"
       1-13-76                     4-17-75                     Bip                          Football   9,10,11,12;   Wrestling
       All for  Love  - Color Me Badd   The  Barney  Song      ~3-76                        9,10,11,12;  Weightlifting  9,10,11   '
       "OhmyGod"                   "Where's the Ambesol?"      lf -Janet Jackson
       CBE 12; Art Oub 12          Football  9,10              "Don't worry about it!"
     ,                                                                                      Jennifer Ann Tjemberg
                                                               World  History  Oub 9;  Homecoming   12-2-75
                                   Wampannaga C. Smith
       Tun Seaman                                              Activities 12; Student Counc:i112   Black-Pearl Jam
       Tiger                       Pam                                                      "Whatever!!!"
       12-3-76                     12-4-75                     Susan Tardif
       A  Whole  New  World        A  Whole  New  World  - Pebo Bryson &   9-12-76          JoelToigo
       FFA 9,10,11,12              Regina  Belle               Why  me  baby - Keith Sweat   Twigs
    I!                             Homecoming Activities  9,  10,  11,  12;   "'f someone  has  something  dishonest   12-2~75
                                   Cheerle~ding 9,11,  Captain  10,  12;
     [i   Rodney Materrol Shakespeare                          about  them,  sooner  or  later  they  will   One  Last  Cry
       Shake  D                    Academ1c Achievement Oub 9;  Drama   tell on themselves."
     II  3-5-74                    Oub9; World History Oub 9;  FBLA  9;   OCT 12; FEA 12; Journalism 12; Drama   Teresa Rebecca Torrans
       Sa Me-R.  Kelly             Oass Treasurer 9,  Class  President 10;   Oub 10; World History Oub 9   LU  "T"
     I!  "If you don't got it, go get it!"   Student Council Secretary  11, President       7-20.76
     l.l                           12;  Beta  Oub  11,  12;  Chorus  9,  1 0;   Nancy Ellen Terry   The  Dance-Garth Brooks
       Ronnie Shakespeare          Ensemble 10; French Oub 10, 11; FEA 12;   10.28-76       "If  you  believe  it  you  it,  you  can
    1  1  Pop-A-Top                Y~arbook Staff  12;  Leadership  11,  12;   Learning  to  Live  Again   achieve  it."
       3-5-74                      Gul  State  Representative  11;  Who's   "Whatever makes your boat float."   Tigerettes  9,  Lieutenant  10,11,  Co-
       SaMe                        Who Among American  High  School   C]SA  11,12; Spanish  Oub  11;  Drama   captain 12;  Danced  in  Cotton  Bowl  9,
       "Don't Fa!Ce the Funk"      Students  9,  11;  Voted,  "Best  All   Oub 9; World History Oub 9   Aloha  Bowl  12; Student  Council 9,10,
                                   Around",  12;  JETS  11;  CHAOS  11·
                                   Discipline Committee 11   '                              Parliamentarian  11;  Interact  10,
       Jason P. Shaw                                           Amy Melissa Thomas           Parliamentarian  11;   Leo   Club
       Sawy                                                                                 Treasurer, Sweetheart 12;  French Oub
     l c  5-14-76                  Stephen Todd Sparks         3-9-76                       10,11; Powder Puff 11,12; Softball 9,10;
       Hotel  California           Sparks                      One Friend - Don Seals       Ne"_Vspaper  10,11,  12;  Journalism  10,
       "Do penguins have knees?"   3-17-76                     "OhmyNo!"                    Busmess Manager 11, Freshman Section
    li  Interact  Oub  10;  CHS  Talent  Revue   Garden - Pearl Jam   CBE  Vice  President  12;  Photography   Editor 12
       10,11,12                    "Senior skip day tomorrow fellas?"
                                   National  Honor Society 10,11,12;  Beta   Club  Historian   12;  C]SA  12;
                                                               Homecoming  11,12;  Spanish  Oub  9;   Matthew C. Verducci
       Troy Lavell Sheppard        Club  11,12;  French  Club  10,11,12;   Academic  Achievement  Club   9;   Ducci
     [I  Shep                      CHAOS  10;  CECF  12;  Freshman   Advanced World History Oub 9   2-5-76
       7-21-75                     Basketball Team 9,  JV  Basketball 10                    Loose  Control  -Silk
       ~ ~- R.  Kelly                                          Leigh Anne Thomas            "I didn't do it."
       Am t no dog like shep dog."   Tara Sue Spillers         Latty                       JV Soccer 9; Varsity Soccer 10,11,12; JV
       Basketball 12               Tee                         10.23-75                    Football  10;  Academic  Achievement
                                  3-13-76                                                  Oub 9; French Oub 10,11; Art Qub 12;
       Naomi Sherwood             Forever's  As  Far  As  I'll  Go  - Almost   On  the Turning Away -Pink Floyd   journalism 11,12; World History Oub 9
                                                               "OOOOH!  He has  THE  hair ... .I  must
       Nicki                       Goodbye                     say!"
     [i.  9-8-76                   ''Excuse me?"               National  Honor  Society  11,12;  Beta   Karen Krl!tina Vinci
       Everything  I  Do  (1  Do  It  For  You)  -  Chorus 9; JROTC 9,10; Art Oub 12; TPA   Oub 12; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Art Oub   Shorty
       Bryan Adams                10,11                        10,11,12;  Student  Council  12;  Dual   6-2-76
       "You go girl!"                                          Enrollment  12;  Journalism   11;   Cryin'
       CJSA  11,  Secretary 12; FBLA  9,  10, 11;   Doyle Spradley   Volleyball  11;  FBLA  10;  Enrichment 9;   "We'll take my car,  Brandi."
    I  French Oub 10, 11; CHAOS 11   5-24-76                   Academic Oub 9; Foreign  Language 9;
                                   Working  Mans  Ph.D                                     Tigerettes 12; Student Council 9,10,11;
       Anya Simmons               Weightlifting 9,10,11,12; Chess Oub 9;   World History Oub 9   Volleyball 9,10; Dance Oub 10; Interact
       Lil'  Bit                  Video Oub 12; VICA 11; Wrestling 9,11   Paula Thomas     11,12;Journalism 12;  Drama Oub 10,12;
      4-7-76                                                   Bunsen                      Powder  Puff  Football  12;  Play
       Lose  Control              Sylvia Diane Stalnaker       9-29-76                     Productions  10,12;  Acting  12;  Peer
                                                                                           Counseling  9;  Dual  Enrollment  12;
       "Child  please!"           Dill  Pickle                 Slow  Love
                                  8-30.76                                                  Homecoming Activities 9,10,11,12
      5 ADD 9; FBLA 9, 10, 11, 12; French Club                 "Anyway!"
      10 '11, 12; Multi Cultural Oub 12   JV  Volleyball  9,  Varsity  10,11,12;  JV   FBLA  9,10,11,12; French  Oub 10,11,12;
                                  Basketball  9,  Varsity  10,11,12,  JV
                                  Softball  9,  Varsity  10,11;  Art  Oub  9;   SADD  9;  FHA  12;  Multi  Cultural  12;
                                  C]SA 11,12; FHA 9; Photograhy Oub 12   Pep0ub9
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