Page 273 - chs-1994
P. 273

Wi{fiam  (~ip" Summers

            Its !ian{ to 6elieve tliat tliis time in your  {ije  fuJs
           approac/U.a us so fast.  We  are so proutf of t!U.
           young man you liave 6ecome.  :You liave  afways
           liatf a tfeep concern for t!U.  peopfe arouna you,
           aftliougli at times you've aone your 6est to  ~ep us
            on our toes! :You may not K_now wliat t!U. future
           lioUs,  6ut rest assurea tliat (jot! tfoes.
                          We fove you,
                   Mom,  'J3{aK.f_,  'J{a"'-'  &  Pop

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