Page 344 - chs-1994
P. 344
My Precious Jluorey, You are anc[
fiave a[ways oeen sucfi an
important part of my Cife. :;{ere is
a poem tfiat you may fina fie[pju[
on Cife s journey.
(('Don 't Qjli t "
W lien tfiings go wrong as tfiey
sometimes wiC{, wfien tfie roaa
you're truaging seems a[[ upfiiC{,
wfien tfie funtfs were Cow ana tfie
aeots are fiigfi ana you want to
smiCe out you fiave to sigfi, wfien
care is pressing you aown a oit,
rest if you want, out tfon 't you
Life is strange witfi its twists ana
turns, as everyone of us sometimes
Ceams. 'Don't give up tfioUf]li tfie
pace seems sCow, you migfit
succeea witfi anotfier o[ow.
Success is faiCure turnea insUfe out.
'Ifie si[ver tint of tfie c[outfs of
aouo t ana you never can te{{ fiow
cCose you are. It may oe near
wfien it seems so far. So stick_ to
tfie fig/it, wfien you're fiaraest fiit,
it s wfien tfiings seem worst tfiat
you must not quit.
I .Love You :Forever,
{( (jranny " MariCyn :;{amm
340 ~· Sr. Ads- Aubrey Giebeig