Page 200 - chs-1995
P. 200
Uno, dos, tres ....... .
French and Spanish classes
promote cultural awareness
A look at other cultures is an excellent way to
find out more about the world and some of our
continental neighbors. Oral exams focus on Chartse Buzzella Dlor1s Canalejo Jernlfer Dilmore Carol Wise
language mastery and pronunciation. Field
trips promote class unity as well as exposing
students to unique and quality productions. A
food feast featuring delicious recipes from other
lands is a highlight of the year. Preparation for
competitions on the state level in Orlando took
up a lot of class time but the excitment of
traveling to Mickey's world and staying at the
Marriott made it all worth while. Many
speeches and the studying of literature of other
lands rounded out an exciting and educational
year. Mrs. Romine and Mrs. Taylor get Spanish lessons from Mrs. Canlejo at lunchl
"Look for the accent mark," encourages Mrs. "Repeat after me ... ". Mrs. Dilmore explains Los
Canalejo as an eager student follows her direction.
Verbos reflexives.
"Just how do you say "Cheerleader· in Spanish
and French?' inquires Brooke Sherman of Mrs.
Buzzell a.