Page 206 - chs-1995
P. 206
Schedules, Scho larships,Careers ...
Guidance helps students find
Planning your future Is the focus of the
CHS Guidance Department. Taking just the
right course, getting a transcript sent off,
or solving a personal problem, are just a
few of the many things counsellors and job
specialist do for the student body.
Checking credits and helping students Setting up parent conference• Ia one or Mr.
wtth Important decisions brings a smile to Thoma•'• apaclalllaa. Mrs. Ann Foster Ia the busiest of people
Mrs. Williams' face. because she helps ao many students In ao many
Gelling the right tranacrlpt to the right college
Ia Mra. Glll'a Job.
•one moment pleuel' Mra. Thornton'• •mile Ia ·congretuletlonal You have ell of your
the firat thing you ••• In the Guidance office. credilal• exclelme Mra. Moaea,