Page 266 - chs-1995
P. 266

Christi~ Joy  5rownl~~

                                              Cfr.ristie Joy,
                                                     Sums fiX~ only tliis 111QT11irrtJ you wert stiJnl{irrtJ on
                                              tk pordJ witfl your Smuif (u.ncfl  6o~ nta4iing off to yo~
                                             fll'st  tfay of sc/wo(,  arul l was  'wfli.stfing • to your IJIUUiiall
                                              angu to  watdl  Ofltr  you  ani K./tp  you  safe.  'We  nave
                                              watclid you grow into a 6tautifuC yoiUifJ woman witflsucfl a
                                             great P'rstniiJiity.  '.from  tnt minute of your 6irtn we  i:_ruw
                                             you wert special.  a frtt , 6ouncintJ,  nappy spirit tm6racing
                                              tnt worf£ sflouting" ntre lam·. Our tiny 6a6y  flas  evo(vt£
                                             from  a 6afkrirul  to  a gymnast·a  d!u.rfuufu to  a soft6all
                                             pfaytr  to  a  tall sfim  young  Wy irtssing for  tnt  prom,
                                             6rtai:i"tt ntarts. 'Your {i/t wiJ£ 6t just as you want· you nave
                                              tnt  a6ility  to  6e  wnatever you  cfloost· go  after  it  witn
                                             evuytfling you  posstss·ani mJJy  your  fife  6e  6ft..ssti witn
                                             Cove,  joy,  flappintss,  ani success.  rrFi.e  worf£ is  waiting,
                                             rrwsfl· afways rtmem6tr flow nw.c/i Wt fove you ani flow very
                                             prod of you we  are·  "'.J{m • is  wntre  we'([ afways  6e for
                                             yo11..  ~n tVtr you nutf us just wnistfe.
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