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                                    CHRJ&TIE  AND  KENI

      Chri~Lic ,                                                                             They  ~ay when Lime~ arc
        I would like Lo Lake a minulc Lo                                                  hard you  will find oul who your
      Lhank you for Lhc fricnd~hip you                                                    Lrue friend~ are. for Lhe  pa~L
      have given me  Lhe  pa~L Lhrcc                                                      Lhrce year~ you have been Lhere
      year~.  You  believed in me  when                                                   Lhrough Lhick and Lhin. Even
      no one  cl~c did.  You  made me                                                     Lhrough our rough ~pol~ we
       laugh  when Lear~ were falling.                                                    have alway~ managed Lo  come
      You  helped me  keep my chin up                                                     oul laughing, u~ually al
       when Lime~ were rough.                                                             ouuelve~.  We  have laughed and
        True  friend~ are hard Lo come                                                    cried Lhrough Lhe  pa~L Lhree
       by.  I am  very lucky Lo  have                                                     year~ of High School and  ju~L
      found you.  Good  luck in                                                           bccau~c we are graduaLing, lcl'g
      everything you do.  And alway~                                                      not.  let. all t.hoge Limeg end.
       remember Lhal "A  life Lime  i~ nol                                                Anylime you need me,  Keni, all
       Loo  long Lo be a friend."                                                         you  have t.o  do  ig  yell ALLELUIA.
                   -Kcni  Brooke                                                                       -Chri~Lie Joy
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