Page 344 - chs-1995
P. 344
. It has 6een a ,Cong time
stnce you came tnto our
Cives, am£ tlie time lias
f!own 6y. We are so
b[essea lnat tf.OU are onr
aaugfiter. We nave a
cfo~et ju[[ of stuffea
anuna'fs to remem6er you
6y, or we cou[a a[ways
think of tfi~ time you b [ew
up_ tne t.v. tn (jermany.
We [ove you ana are Veflj
proua of you. rrfie wor{c[
may not be reaay for 1f.OU,
6uf go out tfiere ana show
tfiem wfiat you've got.
Just rememoer tfiat Goa
maae you tfie specia(
person tfiat you are.
We [ove you,