Page 365 - chs-1995
P. 365

My Two Best Friends

                         Tracy Walk                                          Hertha Ravelo


                                                    Friend• are Frienda forever
                                                    if the Lord il the Lord of them,
                                                    and a Friend will nOl aa y never
                                                    'cauac the wclcane will not end.
                                                    Though it's hard to let you go
                                                    in the Father' a hands we know,
                                                    that a lifetime'• not to long ...
                                                    to live u  Friend•
                                                    Mich.tcl W. Smith
                                                    God  gave  me  the  two  best  friends  in
                                                    the  whole  world.  There  is  nothing  I
                                                    wouldn't do  for  you.  I love you guys
                                                    and  thank  you  for  always  being  there
                                                    for me. The future holds a lot for us.
                                                    Friends Forever, Karen

                                                           You  have  shown
                                                       in  ever-y  way  your- tr-ue
                                                      fr-iendship  to  me,  and  to
                                                      ever-yone .  I  thank  God  for-
                                                     you,  you  ar-e  ver-y  spec1al .
                                                        Thank  you  for- always
                                                       sticking  up  for- me  and
                                                     being  on  my  s1de,  it means
                                                       mor-e  to  me  than  you ' ll
                                                       ever- know .  I  love  youl

                                                      In lhe years lhat we have been
                                                      friends we have come to trust,
                                                      comfort and rely on each olhcr.
                                                     Our friendship is somelhing lhat                   H
                                                    will always be apart of us.  We've
                                                    made it lhrough lhick and lhin and I                E
                                                     know lhat if time ever leads us in                 R
                                                      different directions or different
                                                    friends, we will always be lhe best                 T
                                                             of friends.
                                                             Love, Tracy                                H

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