Page 371 - chs-1995
P. 371

From the very moment of your birth when you began  tackling the world within your
                                   grasp. through aft of your 18 have given us such joy 1::1,' allowing us to  share In
                                   your Jove of ~fe and everything In  ltl Your style has never been halfway, but to launch
                                   with gusto Into anything that Interests you (regardless of the broken bonesl)-from big
                                   wheels to hot wheels; from an ear to ear grin when dad mode "the big motor• on the
                                   boat go; to playing football at Memorial Stadium or at the Willis Family Farms under the
                                   watchful eye of Mama 2.  You have brought us delight even as you developed from
                                   the quiet child described by your preschool teacher to one who was so  Irrepressible
                                   that Mrs. Everett reserved a special  seat by her desk  for you and one  who earns
                                   nicknames faster than others change clothes.  We have taken such pride as you  have
                                   followed your Interests from golf. hunting, and Storm of  the Century camping to history
                                   and parliamentary procedure with dedication and perserverance and left your mark
                                   (whether with a traM of feathers or honors).  Watching you develop Into a young man
                                   who sees  humor all around. commits himself to friends as he does to  Interests.  and
                                   places others before himself. we  look forward  to watching you  throw yourself with
                                   equal energy Into new Interests  and challenges. meeting head on and mastering
                                   them. too.
                                                  Dac:lc:t{. Mama. and Dal::?{
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