Page 429 - chs-1995
P. 429

In Today's Ever-Changing World

                             *Owner  Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith*
                                  manager- Karen Sadler
                                 820 S.  Marion Street
                                Lake City, FL  32055
                                   (904) 752-3110

                                                                 Best wishes to the 1995 graduates of Columbia County
                                                                     High School from everyone at Clay Electric!


                                                                 Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc.
                  Congratulations Melissa and Julie Sadler
                       and the other 1995 Graduates.             Lake City district office  •  752-7447

                           BROWN  -V0NN

                                            DOWNTOWN  SINCE  1 S-47

                                           (901!)  752-31!20

                   CONRflTQLflTIONS  TO  MflTT  VflNN!!

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