Page 67 - chs-1995
P. 67
llffany Williams. Becky Odom. and Jessica Harris check things out before
fteld day.
Andy Thorton smirks remembering
Clint Boone lingers In the commons
before heading to his second period his ftrst day here at Columbia High.
Here come the seniors! Walking with pride. they march on the field before
fteld day.
Shawanda Walker and Lamelsha
Collin Lane attempts to remain stable Battles seem to be having trouble.
after spinning around too much.
These guys must be extremely proud to be seniors. Who else would
want their heads to look like thor?
Kris Daniels and Matt Hollingsworth
Nola Harris displays her jersey on
The juniors walk out to the field for the fun afternoon activities. Priscilla team t-shirt day. help Denise Out1aw get up.
Zahner looks overly excited.