Page 82 - chs-1995
P. 82

Winston English
      Shannon Esford
      Chasity Evans
      Regina Evans
      Sharlene Evans
      Phillip Feagle
      Laraya Felton

      Stephen Ferguson
      Jason Fisher
      Daniel Flegert

      Delvin  Fleming
      Tavaress Flem~ng
      Margan Fooladvand

      Chad Ford
      Caleb Frazier
      Krist! Free
                            No one is quite sure where this picture was taken or why Jason Blair
                            has on lipstick. but Travis Gilbert sure doesn't seem to mind.

     Becky Fudge
     Jessica Fulford
     Meghan Fuller

     Gerallunda Gambles
     Daniel Gaskins

     Alice Geiger
     Antonio Gibbons
     Amy Gibson

     Erin Giebeig
     Travis Gilbert
     Donnie Gilmore
                              A  member or the Junior class.  Jenlfer Janaslewlcz fills  the
                              very lmportront position  or being one of the drum majorrs of
                              the CHS Fighting Tiger Band.

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