Page 89 - chs-1995
P. 89
Dawn Perry
Keith Perry
Alex Peters
Calvin Peterson
James Pettyjohn
Blaine Philpot
Charles Pittman
Matthew Porter
Amy Pournelle
Jana Powell
T assle Prevatt
Jay Price
Tommy Priest
Daniel Prince
Raul Q.Jintana
Heather Raska
Throughly convinced that Edgar Allen Poe Is not worth
reading. Daniel Flegart. Jake Joye. Marshall Webster.
and Eston Albury crowd In for something worth looking
Heidi Ratliff
Angela Ray
Jon Reagan
Jason Reed
Regina Reed
Chip Reeser
Tommy Register
Khalld Rentz
April Richards
Amanda Rlchardso
Somer Roberts
Kelly Robinson
Pep Rolly's ore always exciting. Crystal Jones and Tikesho Duhart cheer on the ftger's
during the first pep rally In the ' Jungle .'