Page 339 - chs-1996
P. 339
1(arrie 9(ose :J{i[[fiouse
I fw.4 so mucli I wantttf to say. :However, rignt
now I can't see past my tears. 'Wiitre io I start? I
gave 6irtn to you.. 'I1iat was sucn a wonierfu£
moment. You were so very otmJ.tiful! I watdi.etl you
from tfiat moment on as you grew. I aiorei your
gummy smilt 6efore you got your teetft. Your first
step tooK. my 6reatn away, utera££y! Your tear
stllind faa liro(J my ntart eflt.ry time I saw it ani it
still ioes. 'I1iat one of a fjru{ otmJ.tifo£ smile tfiat you
worKJ,i on to perfect, always amazes me. You fiave
rnaie me faugn ani you liave male me cry. I'm so
gfai (joi saw fit to put us togetfler. We fiafJt. grown
strong togetfur! 7t{ways put your :Jieavenfy :Jatfur
fost an.i you wif£ never 6e aisappointeti. [ fove you
Mucli UnJe an.i many prayers to tfu "Wiruf 6eneatfl
my wings•
tfiat s you 'l(prrie!