Page 415 - chs-1996
P. 415

Jlpri{  Johnson

                                                                           My Loving 'Daugli.ter,
                                       My 'Dearest tJJauefiur,
                                                                                  Of a{{  tfi.e  tli.ings  I've  ever
                                             J'ts  I  sit  arul  tfiink a6out  you  arul
                                       tfu  tfiings  tfiat you &a tliat  Ultrt. so cute  as   aone  in  my  fife,  raising  a  {oving
                                       you grew up.  I  can fee{ a smile  come  across   aaugfi.ter  {i~ you  is  one  of tli.e  tli.ings
                                       my face  6ecause  you  Ultrt. sucfi a funny  anti   I'm  prouaest  of.  if  I  never
                                                                           accomp{isli.  at  a{~ I wif{
                                       Covea6Ce  6a6y.  7'ou fi{{ me  Ulitfi  pritfe  as  I
                                                                           sti[[ {ooK. at  tli.e  speciaf caring  person
                                       tliink a6out  tfu  tfiings  tfiat you  trid to  tfo
                                       arul fourul  tfiat  you  couCan 't  6ut  aia tfiat   you are  ana k._noUI  I've aone
                                                                           goo£  I {i~ tfi.e  person you've  6ecome
                                       stop  you?  ?{_01  7'ou continuu£ to  try  arul
                                       succeetfu{,  arul  tfiat  is  wfiy  I  am  confiaent   ana I'm  so  proua to  li.ave  a aaugli.ter
                                                                           {i~  you.   I  tli.anK.  (joa  for  you.
                                       tfiat if you try  fiarc{ enougfi at  anytfiing you
                                                                           1?J-mem6er  you  UJi{(  afways  6e  in  my
                                       attempt  you  wi£{ 6e  successfuC.  I  am  very
                              of you  arul  t!U  way  tfiat  you  liave   li.eart wli.erever you are.
                                                                                  Love you afways  &  forever,
                                       grown,  I  tliank (jotf tfiat IU  lias  aCCowea me
                                        to  6e  your 'Dati.  I  Cove  you.  7'ou  fiave  tfone
                                             7'our 'Dati,
                                              Cyrus Jolinson
                                        P s. qo (jir!J
                                         'Dear >tpri!,                      ~ri{,
                                               'Determittd to ~ it Eng s~.    'JI0iat s up?  we« to get to  tfu  e~act
                                         'E.corumlizina ~ liu •:JUmey •• 'Bei11f1 sure  to   point,  I'm writing you  to say it fias  6een
                                         work flarl.  'l(prum6ering  to saoe liu motUy.   a pftasure  to k._noUI  my Cittu sister is just
                                         Jt{ways  strioe  to  t!o  your  6est.  'Maf.:J,  sure   as coo{ as me.  You ~ sure to takJ, care
                                         your /reams conu tnu.  I 6efiefle tliat you can   of yoursdf.  Live  fife  one tfay  at a time
                                         tfo it, 6ecause I6efieoe in you.  (jooilucttwf   ana stay cooL
                                         a{{ tfu 6est em your wag to success.   Love your 6rotfur,
                                                                 'Tillie      Midiae{ Joli.nson

                                                                                                 April JohnsonfSr. Ad  409
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