Page 465 - chs-1996
P. 465

J1aura                                                  ~ollin_s


     Dear laura,                                                                            Dear Laura,
           It's  hard  to  believe  18                                                             You've  always  been  like
     years  have  passed  since  the                                                        sister to  me.  Growing  up with  you
     mean old nurse wouldn't let your                                                       was  certainly  unforgettable.  I've
     daddy hold his baby girl (until he                                                     watched  you grow from  a tiny baby
     appealed to the lady doctor who                                                        who  slept  all  the time  and  smelled
     delivered you, and she gave the                                                        funny to a mature--most of the time,
     nurse "what-for").                                                                     anyway--woman  who  never seems
           That tiny,  helpless baby                                                        to sleep at  all  but has  much  better
     he  got  to  hold  is  now  a  lady                                                     personal hygiene.
     herself,  with  the  potential  to                                                            I'll  always  remember  our
     become  whatever  she  sets  her                                                       fights  over  who  got  to  ride  in  the
     mind to  be.  We're glad to  have                                                      front seat, our battles over what TV
     been  a  part  of  that  process,                                                      program  to  watch,  taking  turns
     enormously proud of all that you                                                        making Mom or Dad  late to work by
     have  done  and,  beyond that,  of                                                     forgetting an  important book,  glove,
     the person you  are.  We've tried                                                      folder,  or uniform,  and  the  eventful
     to  support and guide you  (often                                                      driving  lessons  (the next time I say,
     to your annoyance--but what are                                                         "Brake•, try the other pedal).
     parents  for'?);  hey,  we  yelled                                                            I've  always  admired  your
     because  we  care.  If  we  have                                                        ambition, creativity, sharp  wit,  and
     given  you  anything,  we  also                                                         exuberant  personality,  and  I  know
     know  (though  it's a secret) ; that                                                   those  traits  will  carry  you  a  long
     we received more than we gave.                                                          way.  I'm  proud  to be  able to claim
     We  have  some  hope  that  you,                                                        you  as  my  sister.  I  hope  you  will
     too,  may  be blessed with a son                                                        look  back  at  your  years  in  high
     or daughter who makes your life                                                         school with fond memories, and that
     as    interesting     (and                                                              you  will  be  able  to  maintain  the
     exasperating?)  as  you've  made                                                        friendships  you  formed  there.  An
     ours.   Not  to  worry--we'll  be                                                       exciting  and  eventful  time  in  your
     happy  to  give  you  advice  then,                                                     life  has  ended,  and  an  equally
     too.                                                                                    important one is about to begin.
            Thank  you  for  the                                                                   Com ing  home  will  be
     friends you  have given us,  both                                                       different for me now.  I won't be able
     among  your  peers  and  their                                                          to count on you being  there.  Still, I
     parents;  and  as  you  look at  this                                                   know  that  whenever  I come  back,
     book  20  or 30  years from  now,                                                       I'll  be able to walk by your bedroom
     may  you  still count  many of the                                                      and think, "I wonder what color the
     people  you  see  here  among                                                           carpet would be if Laura ever picked
     your friends.  "Sail on, silver girl .                                                  up her  room."
      . . (but if you need a friend) .  .  .                                                                  L.oveNways,
                        Love,                                                                                  Justin
                     Mom and Dad
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