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Priscilla Zahner  &  Laura Collins

                                        Protect '-ourself in lift                         Prise~ Ia.
             Looking  back,  I remember you
          and  I sharing eighth grade gossip in                                          I  never  really  understood  the
          lunch,  dancing  like  aliens  in  red   not Wttn ftnces, 6ut                  expression, • all  bad  things  happen
          lipstick  and  blue  eyeshadow  , and                                          for  a  reason·,  and  was  beyond
          competing  with  each  other  in  the   witn Jrkntfs.                          upset  when  my  schedule  got
          History  Fair.  But  the  times  I                                             messed  up  in  1Oth  grade.  Dealing
          remember  the most were the ones                                               with an entire hour of aerobics class
          spent walking  the path  through  the                                          was  by  no  means  a  pleasant
          C.H.S  parking  lot  and  the  soon-to-                                        surprise  and  I couldn't  understand
          be new stadium.  During this hour in                                           why there was  no way to change  it.
          tenth  grade you  became one of  my                                            But  you  made those endless walks
          best  and  closest  friends.  When  it                                         of  scorching  heat  my favorite  time
          comes  to  "B"  days,  you  know  me                                           of  the  day.  In  one  short  hour  we
          better than  anyone  - even  myself.                                           solved  more  dilemmas  and  sorted
          Although  we  never figured  out that                                          through  more  confusion  than  the
          one  unsolvable mystery,  I've grown                                           entire Senate has this year.  I came
          immensely from  all of our talks. But                                          to realize that although I had always
          what  has grown the  most has  been                                            known  you  ,  I  had  never  really
          our friendship.                                                                .1mc2..wn.  you. It  was  the  best  kind  of
                Graduating  will  be  the                                                surprise to come to  understand who
          ending  of  this chapter  in  our  lives.                                      you really are.
          The story you  have written perfectly                                              When  you  walked  across  the
          captures  this  small,  never  to  be                                          field  for  Homecoming  Court,  the
          forgotten  chapter.However,  it  only                                          stadium  crowd  looked  out  at  you
          symbolizes  the  very  beginning  of                                           and thought that you were stunning.
          our friendship.  We  still  have  many                                         I  proudly  watched  and  thought
          years  at  U.F.  together  where  we'll                                        about  the  fact  that,  even  more
          face  and  discuss  new  problems                                              beautiful than  your  sequined  gown
          together.                                                                      and  jeweled  crown,   is  your
                You  are  such  a  very                                                  personality.  I  wished  that  every
          talented  writer  and  I'm  sure  your                                        person there could know you as well
          success  is  waiting  just  around  the                                        as  I do, and  realize the reason  your
          corner,  along  with  my  Prince                                              smile  is  radiant  is  not  because  you
          Charming.  When  those  gifts  are                                            gloss  your teeth  or  use the perfect
          found, just as  obstacles will be too,                                        shade  of  lipstick.  It  is  because  it
          we will face them together and toast                                          stems from  a pure heart.
          our triumphs.                                                                     I look forward to all the problems
                As  the  years  fly  by,  there                                         we  will  talk  through  in  college,  "B"
          will  be  new  chapters  written  and                                         days that  will return  , sloppy rooms
          added  to  the  story  of  our  lives.                                        we will step around  in,  and  joys  we
          Eventually  the  final  chapter,  to  be                                      will discover.
          written  so  many  years  from  now  ,                                           In  case you  haven't realized  it,  I
          will  be  completed.  It  will  be  on  the                                   now  know  what  the  reason  behind
          best subject of all  - our friendship -                                       my  scheduling  blunder was.  It  was
          and what we pondered and dreamed                                              not  because  of  a simple  computer
          about  during  aerobics  class  will                                          error. There was a reason  and  I am
          stand the test of time.                                                       so  very grateful.
                                                                                                     Gir1staters  Always,
                       Gir1staters Forever,                                                               Laura
                          Prissy z.
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