Page 483 - chs-1996
P. 483
Friends Forever
How can I start this
off? ... Well, we have become
great friends this year, closer
Having you as a friend, than in the past. Our family
especially this past year, has problems have been
overwhelming, but with each
really meant the world to me.
other, we can make it
You were always there when I through. We learned to
needed someone. I wish you accept each others faults
and weaknesses (attitudes,
well in anything you do, and
boyfriends). And use each
even though we may go our
other's strengths to make it
separate ways after high through obstacles. I hope we
school, I will never forget remain friends and keep in
touch. You are one of the
reasons I have had a great
I Love You. senior year. I Love You and
Love, will always be here. Hope you
April have great and successful life.