Page 493 - chs-1996
P. 493
Joe S{oan
fFt6rwry 27, 1978- JanWJry 7, 1990
We cannot say, aruf will not say
rr!iat lie is aeatf. Jfe is just away.
rwitli a clieery smife, aruf a wave of tlie liaruf,
Jfe lias wantferea into an un~nown {aruf
)lruf fejt us areaming liow very fair
It need's must 6e, since lie fingers tliere.
rrlii~ of liim faring on, as aear
In tlie fove of rrliere as tlie fove of Jfere.
rrliin~of liim as stiff tlie same, we'[[ say
Jfe is not tfeaa- lie is just away.
rrliis cfass wiff a{ways liave a specia{ pCace in our liearts.
r.Best wislies to tlie Cfass of 1996!
-Prom the Sfoan P ami{y