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P. 502
Teacher Appreciation and Dedication
Thank you teachers, administrators and staff for the hard work and dedication shown by all of you to
all of us! Even though you didn't get your raise or "steps" this year, you never quit! If we combined
all the years of service, the extra hours you spent on school related activities, the supplements you
either recieved or didn't get, it wouldn't begin to equal what you really d serve. Although it is ·out of
style" to dedicate a book to anyone, this 1996 Columbian is dedicated to t e llowing people. You all
are "just the right mix" of educators and support staff.
Columbia High School-South
Terry Huddleston-Principal Valerie . Lott- Science
Will J. Calsam-Asst. Principal Emma L. Love- English
Michael B. Flanagan-Asst. Principal Vicki Ly ch· Social Studies
Merrill R. Parnell-Asst. Principal Cathy K. Magrin- English
Judith T. Ayers-Home Economics Carol D. Martin- Math
William R. Barnett-P.E. Grattan P. McGroarty- J.R.O.T.C.
Laurie Bauer-English-Env. Ed. Gloria J. Mcintosh- Science
Cheryl L. Bender-Home Economics Johnnie B. Merrick- Occupational Spec.
Stephanie S. Bundy-Science Elaine C. Merricks- English
D. Louise Burnette- English D. Gail iller- ESE
Charissa E. Buzzella- Foreign Langua e Mary S. Minnix- Social Studies
Kenneth L. Campbell- Math Charles E. Mobley- Science
Dioris D. Canalejo- Foreign Language James ontgomery- Social Studies
Colvin S. Carter- English/Journalism Linda M. Moses- Business
Julia G. Catches- Choral Music Melinda . Moses- Guidance
Barbara K. Cheesman- Enrichment Sail A. Moses- Librarian
Sharon L. Coats- P.E. Steven M. Myers- Band
James Conner- Social Studies Stephen W. Norman- Electronics
Dyess R. Couey- Work Experience Dale A. Oakes- Librarian
Lynn B. Counts- D.C.T Tonita L. Orr- TPP
Dawn 0. Cox- Math Daniel E. Owens- Art
Cathryn S. Dekle- Social Studies R. Kraig Peebles- Social Studies
Jennifer M. Dilmore- Foreign Language Beverly N. Phillips- English
Victoria D. Ellis- Guidance J. Frank Phillips- Social Studies
Wendell Feagle- Drivers Ed. N. Charlene Ring- English
Ann B. Foster- Occupational Spec. Kenneth A. Roberts- Drafting
Cleon R. Fowler- Social Studies Tony L. Robinson- Auto Mechanics
Wanda Y. Gause- English Richard E. Romine- Science
Maurice L. Geiger- Math James E. Rutledge-D.C.T.
S. Pace Getzen Ill- Ag/Marine Mach. Donna S. Sawyer- Enrichment
Daniel C. Green- P.E. Thomas A. Sessions- Masonry
Rosemary B. Griffin- Science Mitchell G. Shoup- Math
Chevonell D. Hahn- Social Studies Shelli J. Shoup- Math
Willam C. Hale Jr.- P.E. Marilyn H. Smithy- English
Donald R. Harrison- P.E. Ken R. Snider- ISS/P.E.
Candace M. Hines- Art Deborah P. Spencer- Business
Laura L. Holk-Vaughnes- English Patricia Starnes- Agriculture
Jane E. Holliday- Health Serv. Occ Ken R. Stark- Science
John E. Howell- Drop Out Prev. Anita L. Steward- Business
Jill D. Huesman- Agriculture Kim R. Sweat- Math
Nancy S. Hunter- Math John R. Taylor- J.R.O.T.C.
Bobby G. Johns- Jump Start- Math Katrina K. Townsend- English
Larry G. Joye- Science Bobie T. Watson- English
John W. Justice- Social Studies Todd E. Widergren- Science-Env. Ed.
Charleen M. Kelley- Science John W. Wilkes- ESE
Sharon D. Kirby- D.C. T. Patricia A. Wilkes- English
Lorraine L. Kirkland- Enrichment Sandra P. Williams-Guidance
George A. Knighton- Drop Out Prev. James Wilson-Math
Machen R. Kvistad,-Jump Start- Eng. Verlene B. Wilson-Engliah
Barbara H. Lake,- Mathematics Carter "Skip" Wolf- P.E./Tech Prep Coor.
Mary K. Lee- Guidance Debra H. Wright-Science/Dance
Roger R. Lizotte- Criminal Justice
496 Teacher Appreciation and Dedication