Page 115 - chs-1997
P. 115

Townsend, Katrina, Engli  h
                                                                                               Wendel, Mane, Attendance
                                                                                               Widergren, Todd, Science
                                                                                               Wilke  , John, ESE
                                                                                               Wilke ,  Pat,  Reading

     Li  ten  car  fully!   Coach  Murphy  and  Coach   "I'm a flower  chtldl!"  Mr  . Bundy  ~pread  flower   '1 think I can , I  think I can!"  Mr. Getzen lo   by
     Snyder ur  e the Tt  crs to play harder.   power to th  da  of '99.      inches to Deputy Spurl  k.

     Former  cheerleader  DenLe  Bryant,  Machon  Kvi  tad,  Candace   Avoiding the rain at field  day Mrs. Spencer and Mrs.  Dilmore hide
     Hin  , Marie Kennon, and Laura  Hunter take a bow.   under the table  so they won't get wet   o  school  pmt!!!  Mrs. Cox
                                                          and Mrs.  Kirby pretend not to notice.

                                                                             Wtlliam  , Sandy, Gu1dance
                                                                             Wtl,  n, CC. ESE  A•de
                                                                             Wt  , C.trol.  French
                                                                             Wn  ht, Deborah,   enc  /D<~n

                                                                                                           Faculty  109
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