Page 137 - chs-1997
P. 137
Columbia High School
I never thought joumali m would teach me
ao much. Mr . Carter, the past three years
in your class have been the most valuble
experience of my high chool years. Thank
you for all of your advice and constant
upport even when the deadline was -
yesterday! Maria, two great friends
working together to achieve a common goal.
need I say more? Cues what? No more ads.
No more deciding who e tum it is to go to
Live Oak. Maston, it's all your'• bud!
(Lind ey, we know whose really going to be
in charge but we won't tell anybody.) I'm
ure that you two will make a great Editor.
I won't mention any names because
the 1i tis too long of people to thank. You
know if this thank you is for you if you spent
class period looking for clip art or retyping
that last article. Sorry Jason, the copiers
gotta tay. You can't take her with you.
You're ju t gonna have to settle forme.
Thanks everybody, this is one
thing I'll actually mis about Columbia
Tra\'t Ryal find that a rultr 1 a preaou commod.ty tn Room 10
M chelle
•1 made 11 thts copy ftt•• satd Andrea Lucht "We finallv fint hed that Ba eball arhcl !"Travis Hunter, Jeremie Celli and Ian Rmg are
proud me~bers of the class and the ba- ball team.
I'd like to express my extreme gratitude to everyone who has helped to
publicate Columbia High School's news paper, Tiger Tale. We have made
extraordmary strides in our quest to make this paper one of the best in the state, and
I feel we're almost to that level. Special thanks to Christina Scarpa for her hours of
hard work and dedication, Lynsee Skinner for her creativity, good work ethic and
enthus1asm, and Shawn Landrith for his utility, completing the little tasks that help
this newspaper go on. Also, I'd like to thank fellow editors: Maria Zelaya and
Michelle Bedoya. Thanks for everythmg you have done, and good luck in your
Maston Crapps: Chief Editor, Tiger Tale
Mr. CHS 131