Page 150 - chs-1997
P. 150
Powder Puff Won by Junior Class
T~f ..::nP a Can
waa dJattd t:> Car~lf: CrP rrr-r ( a
fortnec CHS crcet e;adcT w. d •n
tra i< ~uto :arcld•:\1 }. It we • .,\!&~
su-,ara. Tha Mt '-CM wa f'Ns~unm
v" Sophtlmort . The rw w•' zero,
~o~ntil t. Ftc~ came thto
~ .. .-d beat tt-e SQphod\orn. "'W '11
m~r~r b.\d. t<-ugl\tr and brittT nt,.l year."
a1"i ~. Soph«nore zUArrl
~t •t~ t~W&S
th~ ]uniler& a5alnet th.t S.niON.
Ur.tortunat•\y U.. s-~ lOit to th•
Jun. or!. The I st pm w the~
v-. IN J~. The F~rnen- badly
Mtt ttcl by ttw Ju.ns w "'on witn
II)·~ co ra. The Pow r Puff WQuld
not bc ~:oml'lete w1thout tlw boy's
dwedncli~ equ.acli w tc to ii1
toud-. with ~1f
Sophmore~. Apnl Barry, Angie Smtth, Kelly Wibon,
and Chn~tma Mor get pumped up for the battle
agai.n!>t the fr~hmen.
Patnck Douglas prepares to enter a How cute! Th e freshmen "boys" trut their tuff before Freshmen Jay " Double D" Swi her i
world un nown- the world of womanhood thetr powderpuff performance. Sara Carter helped the the ultimate babe.
ladtes do tneir make-up!
144 Powder Puff