Page 162 - chs-1997
P. 162

P.K. Shoot Out and

               It  wa~  -..uppo-.ed  to  be  a
         rebtuldm • ) ear. It  \\a~ -..upp  -.ed  to be.
          fter  I  mg  ten  ..,l'nll r~  la~t  year,  The
          - r team put up an unprecedented
         1 "-6-3  r  c  rd  thb  ~l'a"  n.  The  team
          n  '' th1  ''as gomg  to be .1  good, but
         t  u  h  ea-.  n  ahe.1d  of  them.  Tr,n 1~
         Lemle  \\a~ quoted m  a  in  . "We h, 'e
         a  'l.'ry  tou  h  -.chl.'dule  and  we  are  in
         '' h, t  b  pr  b~bl)  the  be-.t  d1  tnct  in
         Fl  nda  '' ith  the  _tat   ham pi  n  and
         ~tate runner-up m  ur dl."tnct."
               There  wert.'  the  ''in  and  tie
         a •ain~t ran  ed  opp  nent-.  h  e  Orange
         Par  , Leon,  B  lie~.  "tanton, and  B1  h  p
         ~enney.  There  wa  the  fu  t  , nnual
         C  lumbta j.1mb  rt.>e.  There wa~ al-.o  the
         Bronco  toumam  nt  m  :-..1tddlebur  m
         "htch the Tt  er.  fmt~hed thmi. Senior-.
         J  h  \\ah  n,  j,,.,on  obb,  Theo  LHa::.,
         jeremie  Celh,  Ttp  Tyler,  and  T;a,.,..,
         R)c 1  led th  "•'Y th1  }ear flllin • h  b
         , nd  wea  ne~::.e::.  from  Ia  t  vear  , nd
         . teppmg  up  t  be  the  lea  e~ .  Co, ch
         Todd  Wtd  r•r  n  ~aid,  "Tht
         senio~ put u
         people  now
         re  p  ct u::.."
               Then came dt  tnct  . 1 he
         place, Columb1a
         team,  tandann.
         (, -.t  )ear  to  the  tu  tang-.,  the  Tt  er
         ''ere ready. Tht.>  Tt  r  d  mmated play;
         h  '' e\ er, they could  not put one in the
         net. It ended 0-0 after re  utah  n and t\\ o
         O\ ertime  p,enod  con  1 tm   of  five
         mmute  ea  h. There wa~ one way to end
         1t. A .hoot  ut, every team'  m  htmc re. It
         '' ent  throu  h  two  round  and  le\ en
         hooter::.  before  the  Ttger'  fmally  fell.
          n   -7  lo   m  ,   hootout.  It  wa  a
         d1::.  c1pomtmg 1   to end the  ea  n.
               "We felt  li  ·e '' e  ''ere the be  t
         or  econd-be-.t team m  the d1  tnct,"  atd
         Tra\ 1  Ryab, "We were up  et."
               Con  ratulahon  Tt  er~ on  the
         on a truly great and e. c1tm
                                          T1p Tyler lead  the Var  tty boy  whtle they
                                          prepare for th  bt • game ah  ad of th  m.
                 Adam  erducci

         Captam ja  on Cobb warm~ up before the   ~  J<l  \l'l<ll"'l·  ~  rr•  for          a wic  ed  h  t dunng
         ftrst annual Columb1a j, mboree.          ltl ·~·"t~:i l  1

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