Page 263 - chs-1997
P. 263
enzie e
We are ·o proud of vou! Jr Ita· been a Jov to watch
vou grow Into the mature and caring voung man vou are
todav. Vour love of life and ·m e of humor have been
an end!e- · ource of Jov and laughter In our home. Vour
future 1· full of prom/ e. There are so manv wondedul
thing to experience. :R-emember to lav vour foundation
tor 1/(e rt.7/rlt the Lord. Cltoo·e rour ~Job- becau-e vou
en}ov It not }u ·t tor the monev. Xeep your famllv and
friend· econd only to God.
We love vou and w!ll a/wav· be here for vou.
Dad. }dom. and )a_.;on