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                                  Dear Kr1sta,
                                         It's  hard  to  believe  that  you  are  graduat1ng  from  high  school.
                                  I am  so  very  proud  of  you  for  many reasons, but  one  of  the  most
                                  important  is  because  of  the  courage  you  have  shown  in  always  standing
                                  for  what  you  thin  is  nght  regardless  of  what  other  people  may  thin  ,
                                  and  for  always  be1ng  yourself  and  not   at  convent1on  and  society
                                  dictated  you  to  be.
                                         Every  course  of  life  has  a  destination,  some  high  r than
                                  other  ,  but  still  a  defin1te  goal  to  work  toward  and  strive  to  reach.  It  is
                                  my  hope  that  all  of  your  dreams  and  goals  become  a  reality,  fOf  you
                                  have  the  potential  to  become  whatever  you  set  your  mind  to  be.  To
                                  quote  Samuel  Johnson,  "Life  affords  no  higher  p easure  than  that  of
                                  surmount1ng  difficulties,  pass ng  from  one  step  of  success  to  another,
                                  forming  new  Wishes  and   eing  them  gratified."
                                         Than  you  !Of  ma  ing  hie  intere  tlng, and  fOf  all  of  the
                                  happiness  you've  brought  Into  my  life.  I know  we  have  had  our  share
                                  of  up  and  downs,  and  at times  life  was  exasperating, but  through  it  all, I
                                  have  loved  you  always.
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