Page 277 - chs-1997
P. 277
Tommy Kite
How God Made Little Boys
He took some jam, and om~: apple pie ,
He mixed in fr~.:ckles. put twinkb, in the eye .
He mu ...... ed up the h.tir .md cuffed the knee .
n.:atcd a desire for climbing tall tre :-..
pirit, fun, courage, heart..Jht.: need to explore.
He added these item ... and o much m re.
When He w, done. He rt:sted \\ ith joy
For there before Him \\'Us the \\Onder of Boy.
Tommy, you have been a true boy from the
beginning. Take your parkle and ze t for life
and ... hare them \\. ith the world. \ e arc \ erv
proud of you and lo\ e } ou \cry much. ·
Mom, Dad. usan. and Jimmy
Tommy Ktte 271