Page 292 - chs-1997
P. 292

YL{{ison Maston Powers

                                  'lt'e kJww !fOU  fuwe wor/(ga z'ery lianf to lJCt wliere !fOU  are
                                 todtl!f ana accompfisli a[[ tfze things !JOlllitwe.  from Littfe
                                ~J,(i~·s Colianbia County to tlie (jirfs  tate~ ·upreme Court
                                _'/w. tice.  '1t e afwa!ls ~·a_lf tliat if:omeboa!l taf(rs one step, !fOU
                                 a[ways ta/(g t·wo.  ~~1ust gettinlJ b!J'' is not in !fOur
                                 vocabuflz'!J; but perfection is.  •Jtle /Qww :;ou wzHsucceea in
                                 a[[ your entfem'ors.  t.Don 't ez'er giz1c up on a are am,  bccau~'e
                                 in !fOUr CW. e,  it Wi{{ become a reafittj.  'lt e foz'C  !fOU  ana are
                                 veT:; proua ofyou.             -         -
                                    ~{om, Jet:ica, :.1-{ee ~'\(ee C[ara,  &  (jranadtu{tf_y Lu/(f
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