Page 398 - chs-1997
P. 398
Sabra & Brandi Eternal Friends
Sabra, Brandi,
We hm·e had our ups and do11ns bul Well 11 eem II e 11 11a onh
1hro11 how 11 all, \Oil hare remwned )t' r rda\ nlzen n 11ere 111 9rh rade
Ill\ bes/ fdend. 1\·e gone through a ralkm abo111 T.H. J S Someho••
lot and '·.u l•m e been the one that bern et'll all of 1h r, I found a best
lw il·en me a lroulder 10 en on. jnend thai n1ll a/11ms hold a pecwl
You are the one thai/ hme tripped place 111 Ill) heart lm11 r admit, Ill?
11'1/h and •.'1e one 1hat I June f?Oitell had 01111? II {IS am/ dOll/IS, btl/ II t' I\ ere
mto lrvuhle 11111. The e nil/ a/wa_ls stroll~ a11d looked O\er our flmes. I
be menronPs 1lw1 I can ponder. 111ll11el'er forr~et all /he ood lllnes
Alllwuglr n e 11111 o our eperale He lrad, and rhe wue 11e got cauf?ht
lla_ls, there n Ill aflla)S be 1hou a11d the 11/nes IH' d1d11't. Well, our
11mes nhen l111ll be "MisSIIII! You". Semor \ear IS abo111 ro come to a
I'm sure that 111 the fiaure I here n til close a~d 11 e n Ill b depar1111 . I
be plenl of "famtly reumons" n tsh )Oil the be 1 of luck in
(S.F.,J.W.,B.B.,Q.C.), and 1•e ca11 e\·er\1/un~ you do. And if Gll)tlung
all look back on 1hese dms. W11lr 1!01?5 IH'Onl! I'll be here for \Ou.
all m\ incere lo1e and g;awude, I'm Remember I'll be "\lissm t'ou"
CUI!!!! roo.
Lo1e A/ll'a)S, Lm·e A/1\G,\S,
Brandi Lynn Bedenbaugh Sabra LaSwa1111 Foreman
392 Sabra Foreman I Brandi Bedenbaugh