Page 418 - chs-1997
P. 418

Richilrd,                                                                      Evie,
           It has  bUJt  the best  six &  a hill[ yellrs                                  I am  glad  thilt  we  hilvt bun together
    with  you.  I am  vtry glad  you  hilve  sta  ed  by                           for  so  long.  We  hilve  made  many  great
     my  side  through good  times  and as  well as  the                           memories  together.  I  hope  the  future  holds
    bad  times.  We  hilve  alot  ahead  of us. I do  not                          many  more  wonderful  memories  as  the  pa  t
    know  whilt  our future  holds.  But,  I know  no                              has. No  matter whilt  hilppens you  hilve  matk a
     matter  whilt  I  will  always  lovt  you. You  will                          specilll  place  in  my  heart.  I  love  you  vtry
     always  hilve  a  specilll  place  in  my  heart!  I                          much.
     lOvt  you  vtry much.                                                                         With all my love and more,
                       With my love forever,

                                                 L~lafl,(j  b<Lck- ()Ve-7>  Out,
                                              ~{, ~ we  hALve  b,eq_n,
                                              ~UIAA'>, fl,(){,/U,n(j   m,(L~
                                              me  fuLp~ {,fuLn,  {,()  ~
                                              {,fuL{,  I  hALve  y()u.   W()P~
                                              ~{, ~p(.,aM1, hhw  fuLpp'SI
                                              1f<XL'  ~ me  ~ wh,en,  I
                                              0/m  wi{,h,  ~· y()U  ~ mv
                                              UfJe  ~mpl.Az,uf  I   c,(Ln,n,(){,
                                              ~e hhw  fJa.6.{,  Out,  U4ne
                                              luz,&  ~ b.v.  /{,  m(L~ me
                                              &CAJ.,  {,()  ~ {,fuL{,  1f<XL'  wiU
                                              1J,(){,  be  wa.A.,U,.n<j  ~ me  (L{,
                                              {,h.At,  e-nd  ()6   eveP'SI  ei,a,&&
                                              ~ ~p, w~ tw6i.<U
                                              me  fuL-nd  in.  h-a.-n.d.  I  k-n.()W
                                              we  h,.a,ve  h.,dd  ()~ up&  a.-n.d
                                              ~1'J.6. b<.a  in.  Out,  e-nd  i{,
                                              /wA),  ()~ m(Lde  ()~  (.,()ve
                                              .vr>~. 7~ we  c,(Ln,
                                              ()VeP~me  (Ln,y     ()b,&{,(Lc,l,e
                                              {,fuL{,  Uf!e  haA.  in.  &{,()Pe  ~P
                                              U&.  ~(Lb.'S!  e,<)fl,r(L{,ul,(L~,
                                              (Ln,d   Pememb.eP  I      (Lm,
                                              <Ll,.w(L'SI&  h.-e-r>e  ~P  ~u...  I
                                              L~IJ8 Y~U!!

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