Page 465 - chs-1997
P. 465

.9Lugust Can{u[[o

                                            Tllae ju.,t  i  11  t  t'IIOU ,It  word•
                                     to  .,av  how  much  I  love  ~·ou and how
                                     rroud  I  am  o( vou.  1t7e ve  urown
                                     t.Juetlter  In  jlht  about  t'T'fr!f  a-peer
                                     ,.,~-  !OII!I  a- I  AllOW  j!Ot/re  ill  mv
                                     c.Jmer. we will •rand tall
                                               Cove vou much.
                                                    ,  (om  &  D.1d

                                     Au iU•t.
                                            Tllanl...,  mom.  (Jr  a  urc·,u  fl(e
                                     Witft  V  U.
                                                        J (a/CJ.'

      CLASS  OF

                      \1 .9Lugust and !l\{Jnnie \1

                                       Wrll  wr t•t  linall~ madt II  Sting wflh  !,IOU  has  bun
                                     rhr brsr vrars  of m~ lift  Hont~. ~ou mran  rhr world ro
                                     mr  and  norhino  urrll  tl•rr  honor  rhar  All  rhosr  Sllfclal
                                     momtnrs  uot  havr  sptnr  roorrhrr  wrll  alwa~s bt  m m~
                                     htarr  I m loo  no  fou•ard  ro  our  plans  for  rhr  fururt
                                     Augusr  I low  ~ou morr rhan  u•ords  ran  tllfr sa~  and  I
                                     alwa~s will'

                                      Dear Ronnre.
                                          Wr  havr  bullr  so  man~ mtmorirs  rhrough  our
                                     ~~tars rogtrhtr  Wr vr  btrn  rhrouoh  a lor  bur  through n
                                     all  our low rrmamrd   ow our  school dal/i  arr rndmg
                                     and  soon  our mtmonu will  fadt  I loot  forward  ro  our
                                      fururt  btrausr I tnow our lovr  u•rll  onl~ groll'  srronorr
                                     and  wr  wrll  matt  nm•  mrmorlrs  roorrhrr  I lovt  ~ou
                                      morr  rhan  words  ran  t\prrss   ~o marrtr  whar  lht
                                      rururt holds for us. I Will lo1•r  ~ou alura~s and forrvrr
                                           lovr u•nh all m~ hrarr
                                            ~ugusr Cardullo

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