Page 532 - chs-1997
P. 532
Mv fTioufs,
Our frieniship is a speciaf 9ift,
I am tftat Gocf 9a\'e me.
\\'e share some [all9fis,
"H'e share some CTVS,
But that is what fiienilsFtip is.
Afiierui.sfiip is someone wfto reillfy cares,
ancf your fedin9s they \Vt[ sftare.
You 9uys ha\'e 6een tftcre for me,
wftrn I necaea comfort
or just to ha\'e a 9ooci tafk.
Ancf I wi[ afwc:vs 6e there for you
in .9oocf times ancf in 6rui.
I fed so saii for those wfto mav ne\'er fiacf 1
A friendship [ike we ha\'e.
Friend's af\VCl)'S,