Page 541 - chs-1997
P. 541
Dear Baby SISter
The yean have taught you well the secreu of the generations
that walked earth btfore you. At times the chrkness
descends and obscures your trail Your vuion may be blurred
but 1t is w1th your heart and soul that you must find your
way. Look inward to the beauty waiting to be discovered -
I regret that I can not w.alk along beside you on your journey
of life for I have my own trail to forge and dreams to chase
But when the path is chrkest my spint wal dance m the trees
above you, pvmg you comfort from afar And when the wind
dances through your hair, and the trees gently sway, It is my
song to wh1ch they dance. Add your mus1c to our song and
dance along with us.-Should hfe take me once agam to a
continent far away do not think of the ocean as a vast exparue
thu separates our spmts, but as a fnend that embraces us both.
I'll look into the =or of her emerald pools and see your face
reflected in my own, and when I feel her waves uckhng my
toes I will think of the hours of friendship and play we have
shared.-The trail now lies before you, awaiting your fllst
solitary footsteps. Do not fear what hes ahead but meet it
wah the fervor of an old friend Never falter in your search
for a bnd Without borders; a place where love rules and peace
is more than just a dream. My wish is that you find that land
Within yourself and learn to soar above the hate that plagues
this earth. Fmd your wmgs so that one day our sp1rits can fly
Wuhing you~ the happiness life has to offer and the ability
to find it within yourself. Love, ~ ~
(jwen Was(ey
We are so proua of you ana a[[ that you have achievea
in eighteen years. :Jou have the K_nowCeage to 6e a
success at anything you want to ao with your Cife.
%e ne~t step you are a6out to ta~ is a 6ig one, so
remem6er to ~ep Cjoa in your Cife to Ceacf you aown the
right patfis.
Love as a[ways,
1Jaaay & ~fanw