Page 8 - chs-1997
P. 8

Loo :ing 6   at •tfu?n", !JCilr.  a~qo Ill ourcfii{{fwot!, ana tlim  Jng  a6out
                  •n  u•",  tne li{qfi :cfwo[ !ft~lr.,, .orne of tne mt'mone.< u'C acquzre ma  e !JOU  want  to
                  faugfi •• t'me rna  ·e !f'U uunt to cry, antf~ome rna  ·e !JOU  faugfi .<o fiartf tfwt !JOU rio cry.
                         cfwnge i.; lflr.~ta6fe. 'II e U'ere rwt tofc{ wf1e11 or fu.1U11t U'Qufc{ fwppen, or
                  u  t to tfo ukn it aid: but to e~ert it anrf ta  e It in stnde. •J1e fwt'C et'Ofvttf from
                  nam: flttfe  ':itfs mto  upri.,ingf!J U'Lit !fOung atfuft.!. 'll'c fiat'C emer;getfjrom iruwcmce
                  an  fwz•e 6em forre  to inge. t tf~.e u  !!J·' of tlie worfJ  ·We fu.we morfijld our  t:Jfes,
                  fiarr,  anrf our personafitze..,,  'I l{' are   re mature anrf r~pon.swfe, 6c  use uc arc ofrfer
                  ana  a~ more or:pcnou:c.  t feast mo.<t of us are.
                        Sma u  rouftf not rfm•e !JCt,  111 tfementary u•e tnjo!Jerf nrfm.g bil(es. 'Bac  ·
                  tfre  mo.<t lirf not nrfe ten-.,peerf., or ~twpe,£, 6ut en;O!Jerf tM e a[[. o [~nou.< ~Jfu.ff!J
                  6anarur seats.  :;yter srfwo[, !JOU atfu., role tlie 6w, u~re int'tlt't'rf in  a bO!f's or girf's
                  cfu6, or u ere pic ·ttf up D!f a parent.  ;,  ow, mo  t of ll.!  rime or get nics u1itfi our
                        'lliegirf.s'u  rrfro6es  ucfiangeifrfrawc  ffi!J.'II'efwr'Cgonefram  so  'S
                  arrrf wliite tennis Jwes to  pant:Jfw:e anrf liigfl flt'efs.  '1t e no fonger wear [o '!J  fwrts
                  or stretcfi pan~, 6ut sliort sliorts, crop top, anrf rim  es wltli pfatjorm sfwes.  JU!JS
                  stl([ u ear jCilns anrf t-sfuro. ~  au• tfu.rt ure are oftfer, image i.:; et'Crytfurzg. •Jtfult bnmds
                  U'e ut-ar are more unportant rwu•!
                         On  tlie Ul££  en  ., we user! to go to aar:as,  tfU! s  atlng nn  ana tfre
                    zlie!  witfi. fnmrls.  ~   on wer ·ends, we are atfia on a late or at a p  'l!f·  'Tune
                  6nngs cfiange anrf cfiange ta  ·e.  time.  Loa "l"!J ba  at tliose momen~, it's 6otli sari,
                  anrf !fCt, G(!ttlrtg.  71ie times cutarnf!J fiazte dw"!]ttf. an  u~·tfi. tfu:m  ,(() liarJC we.
                                                'Tara   50n,  _

         Avery Genove e fmds it ea  y to follow orders from drum maJOr,
         I  rae! Hunter.
         Cia  clown,MIShane Mag>"ood,ma  es her fnend  , JaniCe Jordan
         and Ta  ydra Robinson,  mtle.

       2  Introduction
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