Page 87 - chs-1997
P. 87

Class that will TUR  the Century

                                                                           Life  As  A  Freshmen

                                                                               As  the  class  of  2000,  we  have
                                                                         a  lot   to   live   up  to.  We  are
                                                                         graduating    at  the  turn  of  the
                                                                         century!  It's  a  feeling  of  isolation
                                                                         being  at  the  ninth  grade  center.
                                                                           inth  grade  is  both  exciting  and
                                                                         scary   at   the   same   time.   As
                                                                         freshmen    you    don't   feel   the
                                                                         pressure  like  you  do  at  the  high
                                                                         school.  We  feel  privileged  to  be
                                                                         graduating at the turn of the century!
     H Alii need   a hot   awetr and a b1g   ol watetr: Ryan  Klindtworth excla.una after playmg a hard game
                                                                         We  can't  wait  until  we  come  to  the
     ol b   etb  I
                                                                          high school!

                                                                    Some  tuden  at the runth grade are t.alcin  the ever popular Sleep 101.

           "PI   don't take my pscture whlle I'm bughln  ;  .creams Karen 0'. 'esl

      Studenta at the runth grade 51\ow thar Ttger  pmt by drening ta   . Candler Watson, K.aren 0'  Working hard to get the runth graders pepped up at a peJ>-rally J V. Tigemtes  Ja  e
      Nul, Jeni!er Lanoue, mw Co  and Br   B1en  d1d  thi  t   vt:ry well.   Johru.on.. C   Uzotte,  J   tea  wanko,  J   tea  talnabr, and  . aren  0 ', 'eal  dance
                                                                thesr   t.

                                                                                                          Freshmen  81
   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92