Page 99 - chs-1997
P. 99

'10 EA'l' OR

                                                                      0'1 '10 EA'l'

                                                                        Thi  year,  student  were  determined  to
                                                                 add  a  little  variety  to  their  lunche  .  •  o  m,ore
                                                                 cafeteria food would be eaten (at least the Senior  ).
                                                                   nior  Cia   officer  polled  the  tudent  and  the
                                                                         off-campu  lunch  was  well  accepted.
                                                                 Teacher  and  admini  trator  were  interviewed
                                                                 regarding the i  ue and a  propo  al  wa  made that
      :-.1ishan  ~1agw   and Anita Perryman bought thetr meal  fr  m th  cart and   _enior  with a current 3.0 G. P. A. lowered but would
      are elljOytng th  m m the comm  ns. L1  e many ~tudenb, th  yare at! o helpmg
                                                                 not budge.  He wa  in full  upport of a 3.0 .  School
       ll Prom  merch  ndice to ra~  mon  y for the event.
                                                                 board  member  with  the  exception  of  Richard
                                                                 Ander   upported  the  idea.   Unfortunately,  the
                                                                 night  that  the  chool  board  \'Oted,   everal
                                                                 member  of th  community  po  e in oppo  ition.  At
                                                                 thi  ,   Principal  Terry  Huddleston  publicly
                                                                 \'dthdrew  hi   upport.   When  the  votes  were
                                                                 fmally  ca  t,  the  tudent  propo  al  wa  rejected by
                                                                 a three to two vote.  The month  of preparation and
                                                                 hard  \\'Ork  had  been  thrown  away in a  matter of

                                                                 minute  .   1r.  Huddle  ton  cho  e  not  to  reevaluate
                                                                 the  propo  al.  In  other  word  ,  C. H.  .  student·
                                                                 would have to continue to wait in long line  ,  eat in
                                                                  a  crowed  cafeteria,   and  fight  for  a  place  to  sit.
                                                                  Bon  Apetit!                                     93
      Samantha Corman work  m a fa  t food  re~taurant,  but she will not  as a
      be able to eat lunch there any time this year unle-.~ it's  on a weekend.
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