Page 210 - chs-1998
P. 210

Girl'  G  1fT  am 1  ba  k and

             b  tter than ever with a new attitud

         Th    1rl'  Go If T  am  ea  on ha  begun and 1  better than
       e\ er.  With returning player  ·u  h a  Tammy  arter, who 1
       pia  ing  #I  for  the  econd  year,  the  team  1 ·  ure  to  be  a
       dominating  force.  The  other retummg  player·  are  Rebekah
       Pne  t,  Je  1ca  Po\\ er , Oli\ ia  R10  .   equeta \\II  on. r alori
       Coker,  and Laura  unnmgham. The more e:xpenence a team
       ha  the better it will be . The coach for the g1rl' · team 1 · \1r
       Deanna Law. Th1  1  her fourth year a  a golf coa  h  "  he ha
        upported u  in all of our effort  and \\ant  the be  t for u  I'm
       glad  he 1  our coach, \\hat would we do \\ Ithout her'>"  ay
       Je  1ca PO\\er- about  1r ·  Law.
        "The toughe  t opponent  our team will face will probably be
       one of the Jack  onville team  but we have practiced hard and do
       not  anticipate  being  dommated  by  any  other  team  in  th
       D1  tnct,"  ay  Olivia R10
         The team play  out of Quail Height   ountry Club Monday
       through \Vedne  day and then goe  to the Lake  ity  ountry
       Club on Thur  day  . The excellent cour ·e  have helped prepare
       the girl  for their tough  ea  on.
         Fre  hmen are expected to make a major impact for the team
       with the addition of Laura Ayer ',  Heather Bennett, Melanie
       Hinkle, and\  hitney Wain  right.  The youth of the team may
       mean they get off to a  IO\\  tart but it will definitely add to their
        trength in the coming year  .

                                                                            1ly have to be hard work . It can
                                                                            fun  at  the  arne  ttme.  I h1  1
                                                                            Tammy'   ond)eaT\\Ithth  golf
                                                                            team  nd  he 1  already team cap
                                                                            tam  Tammy  ha  played  the  #I
                                                                            po  1t1on for both her fre  hman and
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