Page 281 - chs-1998
P. 281
We'll elp You Get
The Most Out Of
if e.
Ju t because you're graduating high chool doe n't mean the fun has to end.
Truth i , it's just beginning. There's a whole world of new d1 covene m front of you,
and we're here to help you make the mo t of them.
Your career path can lead you to new and exciting places, and we have your
ticket. There's nursing, physical therapy, and a host of other Allied Health programs.
How about Golf Course Operations or Forestry, or maybe Landscape Technology?
Like Electronics? We'll get you started on a great career path. Thinking about going
on to a 4-year college? Well, we're the best start you can have.
heck out all the things we can do to help you make the most of the rest of
your life Fmancial Aid is available, too. For complete information contact your
Guidance Counselor, or call us direct at 752-1822 and ask for the Admtss10ns Office
So go ahead. Grab some life. To help you make the most of it, start it off here
Route 19, Box 1030 * Lake City, Florida 32025
u r Cory Commumty Collr~r IS a trtOIIN by th< Comn <Soe>n on Coll<c<s or th< Southrrn
A coatoon or Colltcrs and School (I 66 Southrrn un<, Drcatur. Grorc•a 3 33 -4097, Ttlephone number 404 679-4501)
to award A< ocoatr on Ans and A coatr on Scorner drcrrrs
Lak< Clly Commun11y Collrcr woll adhrrr to all appltcabk ftdrral , lltr, and local laws rrculatoons, and cuod<hnrs v.eth rrspecl 10 providon
rra nabk accommodations u requortd 10 afford equal tducatoonal opponunoty Thr Officr of Dosabltd Srudent Servoces can provide funhrr
onf rmauon and a •sun r at t l 752·1 22, ut 1393
uke Clly Communoty Colkcr os an &jual Acces &jual Opponunot In tuutoon
La e City Commun1ty College 277