Page 308 - chs-1998
P. 308
Christie Jane Brannen
I know It ccms hke forever to get to th1s
pomt in your ht~. but It seems hkc only
)esterda) \\e were Jaughmg and pla\mg
at Papa and anm ' We haYe had so
many good time.· together and each has
been pncele:. A. you folltm God's plan
for your hfe I rcalue that It mav take us mile.
apart but you Will a!\\ a ·s be m "httlc ·1:ter"
(mo t people ne\er knev .. the difference)
I ove ya ah\ ays cuz,
'-itephen Baile)
B '
Congratulation raduating Ia of1998
E pecially Chri tie Brannen
V rsrt U or All Your
Farm and Tractor eed
Locat d 12 Mile outh of Lak ity on 41 /441
304 Chns e Brannen Sr. Ad