Page 331 - chs-1998
P. 331
Jerracf u(s
It's a6out time the a[f-K:_nowing Pn"nce of
(jreatness is graauating! Over tfie past eigfiteen
years I fiave watcfiea a fitt{e 6a6y grow into a
young man I am proua to caf[ my 6rotfier. 51.5
si6fings we wi[[ afways get on eacfi otfiers nerves
6ut aeep aown I fiope you K:_now tfiat I fove you
ana I wisfi you a[[ tlie [ucK:_ in tfie worftf to
accompfisfi every goa[ you set for yourserfj. Mal<:!
me proud:. ... ! .Love You, 6a6y 6rotlier!!!
J!eatlier (#1 SISter)
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