Page 361 - chs-1998
P. 361
ll i , and al ay11 J1a11 be n, impo sible lo
pul into m re ·ord11 julll how much you
m an lo u . l~m the bel'tinninl't, you
were eal'terly anticipated and greatly
cl1 n1J1ed. "fl1al bas never cl1an~ed.
ow tltal you are finishin.t lmol, il is
harder titan ever lo rcali~ ju l how
quickly d1e lime l1as pall ed and lo
underlland d1al oon you will be leavin¢
!tome lo Jx.!01in your life a an adult.
"olleg i• merely the first slep 011 tltal
Know then, tltal you bear with you al
eaclt slep our love, our supporl and our
Erin Sh1veler 357